

Pain and Injury

The Alexander Technique helps free you of unneeded tension, in this way alleviating pain caused by muscle contractures and excess effort. It is also a powerful aid in the case of postural pains or other pain caused by habits of muscular use that are not beneficial to the whole body.

Musicians, Singers, Actors, Dancers

In the performing arts, as in any activity in which the primary instrument is your own body, the Alexander Technique allows greater freedom and fluidity of movement. It also teaches us to be conscious of the whole body, and this in-depth observation helps us to develop greater stage presence. Presence is about being present in the here and now.

In the case of musicians, pain in the hands, arms and wrists are common, as are tendonitis, sprains and other problems that interfere in musicians’ activities. The obstacle to musical performance, in most cases, is caused by excess muscular effort and incorrect postural use. The Technique is a marvelous tool for undoing those areas of tension while playing and for increasing awareness of the unnecessary muscular effort being used. 

Singers, actors, speakers, commentators and anyone else whose profession depends on the use of the voice develop greater respiratory capacity and coordination, which enable greater freedom in song, speech, public speaking and reciting, without the interferences or blockages typically produced by the abdominal musculature, in the neck and back, or in the jaw.

For actors, the result of using the Technique is improvement in acting activities. For example, the use of the voice is benefited greatly by more fluid breathing and a more appropriate muscular coordination. Additionally, physical demands on the actor’s body due to taking on the character can be seen with the spotlight of awareness of muscles and a more appropriate use for performance on the stage.

Dancers also benefit from practicing the Alexander Technique by an ability to use the body efficiently and fluidly. Dancers eliminate habits related to “doing” that are particular to dance and that are often translated into tension, muscle tears and more.

The Alexander Technique is part of core curriculum at the major art conservatories and universities around the world, including Julliard School in New York, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London, and the Royal Academy of Music, London. 


Performance is improved by channeling movement and muscular use productively. Athletes are able to prevent injuries and recover from injuries that occur more quickly. 

In conclusion

The Alexander Technique is a powerful tool that teaches us to improve our use of our own selves, to optimize muscular use without utilizing unnecessary energy or tension. Whatever our activities are, we will benefit from re-educating the patterns of use that interfere in our daily performance of our activities in some way. Sitting, standing, walking, using the computer,  drawing, swimming, driving a car, etc. In all these activities we have the option of re-educating harmful habits and discovering new possibilities of moving freely without tension or stress.